Valentine's day
St Valentine's day is soon upon us, bringing us towards the start of spring and taking us out of the depths and the darkness of winter. Or does it? Some of us will look forward to a day where we can celebrate our love for our partner or hopefully experience an event, receive a gift or signal that we are in fact loved by them or an admirer. Some of us will not even notice the passing of the day, resigned or perhaps relieved by the reality that our lovers don't enjoy the pressure of forced romance. However, for some of us, this day can even be quite unsettling, making us feel more alone and I guess unloved... However, this valentine's day why not take the opportunity to celebrate love itself and love within ourselves. Here at Tribalik, we meet our customers, we see their uniqueness through their artistic creativity reflected through how they adorn themselves, what they eat, say and how they love. It's so inspiring. So let's celebrate this in ourselves as we enter the start of spring and say goodbye to winter.
Image by and of the beautiful Moona Autumn wearing Tribalik Ear Weights
That's why I want to talk about the importance of expressing self-love. Living in Brighton, U.K., this is a topic discussed a lot here at Tribalik or amongst our circles of friends. Ways in which we can perform love to ourselves by servicing our bodies, minds and souls. It is a city emanating a pick and mix of options for self-care from yoga to massage to past life regression, this city has a lot to offer our souls. We have an abundance of health food shops, cafes, homoeopathy centres or small independent boutiques to buy from. You really can sit back and think (while drinking a turmeric latte in the North Laine's) what you would most like to do or even gift yourself this year. We are our own best friends, we are born alone and die alone so if we can't love ourselves first and foremost who else will? As my dearest friend says, if we are alone then we have to learn to date ourselves. Paint our world full of colours to make our lives as magical as they can be. Only through self-love can we truly experience peace, calm and true love.
Caring for the Mind
We have tried many of the abundance of offerings of this type of self-care in Brighton, many more than most people but always less than we would like to. As you can imagine crystals are our thing particularly crystal jewellery. So if you want to buy yourself something special this Valentines why not indulge in some crystal jewellery which nourishes your soul.
Moonstone is a beautiful crystal, know as the destiny maker. It can be a symbol of sensuality which also gives us increased intuition and cleanses the mind of negative emotions. You can enhance its healing powers with meditation.
LUNA Silver Tribal Ring with Moonstone £32
Amethyst is another beautiful crystal, helping us heal physical ailments and emotional issues which can be more apparent at the end of a long winter. It balances our crown chakra helping us align our emotions and physical health in time for the coming seasons of abundance.
Amethyst Crystal and Silver Pendant £20.00
Rose quartz is one of my favourites as it helps channel our love in all forms and open our heart chakra.
Rose Quartz Stone Ear Tunnel £10.00
Reiki therapy is another favourite form of therapy of ours. It is such a beautiful form of therapy. You leave feeling like you're being loved and hugged by your own aura. Which you probably are. It enables relaxation, speeds healing and encourages the flow of energy around our bodies and minds. Meditation has to be mentioned here. We have so many options for this in Brighton, we even have a lunchtime drop in at our local Brighton Buddhist centre, such a beautiful venue to practice in. It's so hard fitting this into our daily routines though if we have lost our practice or haven't started one. But we can fit at least minutes in throughout our day, focusing on our breath and taking a moment to just be.
Caring for our Bodies
If we care for our body we also care for our mind. Homoeopathy, Herbal medicine and Chinese Medicine is huge in Brighton. You can take all sorts to calm your nerves, release emotions or help deal with seasonal affective disorder. You only need to pop into the apothecary in the open market or neil's yard remedies in north laines and you can walk out with any number of excellent remedies. Acupuncture is also excellent for unblocking energies and healing ailments. Many physical activities are meditative and spiritual in some form. Running, Tai chi or yoga is also so big here that I get confused by all the venues and types. Apparently, most people who start practising yoga for exercise or stress management often with time, change their reason for starting and find self-actualisation, spirituality and fulfilling their potential as benefits of their practice.
The lotus pose is one of calmest and most beautiful in yoga.
Silver Lotus Charm Pendant £20.00
Unique Gifts for Ourselves or Loved Ones
We have some beautiful pieces that will bring out the inner goddess in you or inner god, whether you are buying for a loved one or treating yourself to a spot of retail therapy. By supporting ethical small brands you can really make a difference to the businesses who support and nourish our communities and enhance your retail therapy experience.
A beautiful sterling silver snake ring unisex. Made from sterling silver and fully adjustable so you don't even have to measure the receiver's finger.
Silver Spiral Snake Ring £29.00
Circulating sterling silver pendant to wear with a chain or cord necklace. Ornate spiral silver pendant inspired by the hill tribes in Southern Africa. Created with the highest quality 92.5 silver and hand-fashioned into this bold ripple-effect pendant.
These earrings really are wow! You can't get any more unique or unusual. Brass Miao earrings with a large abalone centrepiece: exploring floral detailing of complexly layered petals.
ETERNAL MIAO Gold Brass Spiral Hoop Earrings £55.00
If you want to really treat yourself and have something that will last a lifetime, an investment for your soul and wallet, why not go for a gold nose stud.
14k Solid Rose Gold | Yellow Gold Ornate Labret Stud £65.00
Whatever love means for you this valentines day we hope you celebrate and love the unique soul that you are. We are hoping to promote more self-love this valentines day. Please share your stories of love in whatever form you feel it and share it. Like and follow Tribalik on Facebook and Instagram between now and the 14th and share your story of love whether it be for yourself, your family, friends or a lover or multiple lovers.
In my opinion you are not right. I am assured. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. I can defend the position. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.
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